Assalamualaikum WBT... Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.... Alhamdulillah Allah gave me more strength to c0ntinue my writing t0day after g0t a problem.. hehe.. but actually dat's is not a pr0blem to me... one kind of chance in my life.... A CHANCE TO MAKE A CHANGE! insya-Allah amin.. (n_n) Guys, pray da best f0r Dr. Bell ya... Hope i'm str0ng as u ols... Amin..
In surah Al-hujurat, Allah told us:
"Wahai manusia! sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan, kemudian Kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku agar kamu saling mengenal. Sungguh, yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertaqwa. sungguh! Allah maha mengetahui dan maha teliti."
See dat ayat surah Al-hujurat:13... da meaning is s0 wonderful dear.... Allah made us f0r TA'ARUF. What is ta'aruf?? Ta'aruf berasal dari perkataan arab "عرف" yang bermaksud 'tahu' atau 'mengetahui'. TA'ARUF ialah saling mengenali atau saling mengetahui. Just imagine 0ur life without kn0wing... haha.. WHO YOU ARE THEN guys??? n0 b0dy will bother 'b0ut u.. right?? S0, Allah made kind of TA'ARUF phen0men0n t0 sh0w all His Hamba h0w t0 live in His w0rld~ ^_^ SEE! Allah never aband0ned us. Every single thing Allah taught us But it just WE! We are da lazy damn pers0n t0 search f0r hikmah Allah.
Today, it's n0t 'bout how u can meet u jodoh... how u can tackle ur being-t0-be makwe or pakwe... haha.... but... i just want t0 share 'bout CHARACTERS! huhu... Since u had ur life like me.. maybe 'bout 19 years maybe less maybe more... yaa~ i bet u've met a l0t of pe0ple wif s0 much 's0ngeh' kan?? (n_n) same g0es t0 me! BUT remember.... bef0re u ols mengeluhkan perangai orang lain... try t0 think again~ IS ANYBODY SIGH BECOZ OF MY ATTITUDE??? yesss~ then i believe u ols takkan jadi nak merungut t0 dat pe0ple yg u ols meyampah~ ^_^
Guys, Allah made us differently~ As i said in previ0us entry... Without diz different then u'll be s0 boring~ Juz da same thing u'll be faced~ isn't it??? s0, d0 think all the hikmah fr0m what u see and d0.. underst00d? s0metime believe me... u see da angry people anger to sumbody else.. u'll laugh in ur good mood... haha... and s0metime when u ols tga rase geram nak marah2... u'll rase ok juz bec0z u ols see ade budak yang macam lurus bendul depan u ols.. kan??? then, biler kita happy, Allah ingatkan kita by we saw sumthing yg sgt kesian... like a m0m wif her baby at da side of da r0ad~ with0ut them... without all differently characters of pe0ple, our life dull! yupp~ try t0 be juz in ur kelompok perangai... then u'll tend t0 search f0r sumbody else... ahakksss~ make it and pm Dr. Bell... h0w is it?? ^_^
DR. BELL SAID : Guys, as f0r me... i'm not t00 cheerful pers0n, i'm not t00 annoying pers0n, i'm not t00 gedix pers0n, i'm not t00 touching pers0n, i'm not t00 hav0c pers0n and i'm n0t t00 open pers0n BUT I like t0 be al0ne. huhu.. anyb0dy like me... dun be sad~ Allah gave u this kind of character n0t f0r u juz t0 sit alone in ur r00m n make urself tense... Remember!
Allah berfirman dalam Quran:
"Dan tidak Aku mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum melainkan mereka yang mengubahnya."
( Surah Ar-Raad : 11)
Make a change guys! Allah tak marahpun if we try t0 be better~ Yang Allah marah apabila kita cuba ubah apa yang kesempurnaan yang Allah dah bagi. Contohnya, Plastic surgery~ Dat's u make a change 0f His creature! No! HARAM ALAIKUM~ Yupp..` Maybe pe0ple will say bla.. bla.. bla.. bla... t0 u... but u n0e urself more than them. Allah is with u dear... S0, if u're somekind of loneliness-like-pers0n, it's n0t a disadvantage~ that's da BIGGEST POINT of u. DAT IS YOU. Maybe dat's da credit f0r u t0 enter His syurga... who noes?? huhu.. Amin.
Dr. Bell is not p0inting t0 da pers0n like me only.... da others! If u think u need change ur perangai~ then MAKE IT! We can't change all 0ver bec0z dat is us. But BE BETTER f0r others.. dun let others always have heartaches bec0z of u. If u ols senangkan hati orang lain, Insya-Allah Allah akan senangkan hati u ols~ WOW! Susah tuh nk dapatkan??? ^_^
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For akhiran, Dr. Bell juz wanna say dat wateva what kind of pers0n of 0urself... make it as an advantage for u t0 show off! F0r who??? IN FRONT OF ALLAH S00N! yupp~ It's 0k if u ols nk riak or bangga depan Allah wif all pahala u ols yang berbukit~ Allah tr0s t0lak u ols masuk syurga... Aminn. Apepun.. How much kite suke t0 be al0ne pun, try make a relati0n! N0t relati0nship yang gedix! haha.. Make a relati0nship t0 fulfill Our tanggungjawab as His hamba.. HOW?? yupp.. TA'ARUF~ then, it's mind t0 have ur time al0ne.
Salam Ababah...- ANAA'AA
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