Dr. Bell still in da m00d of exam. Yup! Exam is s0me kind 0f test fr0m Allah t00. Try t0 endure... Memang lah ada istilah " Belajar kerana Allah." but hati kita takkan lari dari niat nak pass exam kan.... S0, dat's why dun try t0 jauh-jauh dengan Allah time exam fever. Make 0ver Ur Iman~ Make all the ILMU dat we gained t0 jwb exam g0t da BERKAT fr0m Allah. Then, u'll have an easy way in ur Hall Exam... =D insya-Allah... Ameen.
Dr. Bell g0t 3 b00ks t0 read f0r this physi0logy exam.. Physi0logy is the t0ughest f0r medic student i think. haha... It is 'bout da study 0f functi0ns in living thing. H0w ur heart w0rks? H0w 0xygen regulated in ur heart? H0w ur brain system? H0w ur breathing works? Huh! Damn tired t0 mem0rise but dat a WORK 0F DOCTOR s00n...! haha...
Studying physi0logy make me thinking that everything need sumthing that can protect or compensate the 0ther one. F0r example, If we have tachycardia ( rapid irregular heartbeat), we have to give sumthing t0 da patient t0 reduce it t0 bradycardia. right? then, We see when we've high blood pressure ( darah tinggi ) bler kita tensi0n exam ni kan.. haha.. we need t0 intr0duce sumthing t0 make it low. diz is wut we called it as REGULATION guys..~
In 0ur life.... all need t0 be regulated. If there is n0 regulati0n.. then u'll be irregular! haha.. yess! Let me ask u, why Allah make all th0se thing kat dunia ni... DUA? 0ur BODY... see ur hands, ur legs, ur eyes, ur ears.... ur nose?? yup... still tw0.. u've tw0 holes... haha.. everything! ur hip bone... ur nails..fingers... Ur head?? yes! ur brain is made of 2 hemisphere s... =D imagine guys, if there is just only one! Fuh! Dr. Bell is n0t willing to live like that. H0w can i manage t0 d0 works with juz one hand.. leg..??? No! No! No! That's impossible right...? S0, Wut Allah d0? Yup... He make a pair f0r us. ONE SUPPORT ANOTHER ONE! How clever He is.! =D
and Allah had said in Surah Al-Dzaariyat ayat 49....
و من کل شيء خلقنا ذوجين لعلکم تذکرون
Maksudnya: Dan segala sesuatu Kami ciptakan berpasangan-pasangan agar kamu mengingati ( Kebesaran Allah )
"Kami ciptakan kamu berpasangan-berpasangan"... haish! dun ever think 0f kawen jerk yer... We've t0 have br0ad thinking... see the wide view~ Allah nak tunjuk kebesaran DIA dengan menjdikan kita ni... semua yang ada dalam dunia ni berpasangan agar dapat bantu-membantu ke arah mengingati Allah. Let's say if u lost 0ne of ur hand... then the 0ther one hand can help u t0 give sedekah... Btol tak? =D That's the hikmah!
guys, ingat Allah sayangkan kita. DIA takkan bagi hamba-Nya susah. susah kita di dunia kita yang cari sendiri~ Hargai nikmat DUA yang Allah kurnia... once u lost it... N0 ganti-ganti dah! maybe u ols can make some artificial punyer but NIKMAT dier takkan same dengan yang Original~ Cam u ols tg0k CD cetak rompak compared with CD Original la... haha...~ u noe the differences kan? Dr. Bell pun slalu la.. hehe..
DR. BELL SAID: T0day... 3 July 2011... i g0t a call fr0m my OLD fren.... tr0ugh YM je la kan.. spe la nak call me jauh2 neh.. hehe.. sgt lama lost contact~ Now, She came back asked 'b0ut me... huhu.. I'm s0 glad! But dat's n0t da probs.. She contacted me and asked 'b0ut JODOH.... Dr. Bell speechless! APakah?? My brain stuck! tett.... hypoxia! haha... What kind of questi0n u asked wey??? Mati la Dr. Bell nak jwb.. haha...
But she was in confused! and i'm n0t willing t0 just leave her al0ne... Dr. Bell answered with Bismillah....
" Fiza (bukan nama sebenar), aku pun sama jerk level cam k0 but aku try t0 s0lve it as much as i can."
" Fiza, sekarang ni memang sebenarnya k0 nampak macam Allah bagi k0 ch0ices~ dia yang ni atau yang tu... dua-dua memang baik.. tak ada cacat cela. Tuh yang k0 tak mampu t0lakkan? but believe me that yang Allah actually dah tetapkan untuk k0."
"Tapi kenapa jadi macam ni? Aku pening dah lah..."
"Ni la salah satu ujian yang Allah nak bagi pada k0. Kalau k0 percaya pada Qada' dan Qadar Allah, K0 akan makin dekat dengan Allah. ko rayu pada Dia pilihan yang terbaik. Sebab apa yang k0 baik untuk diri k0 mungkin itu adalah the worst f0r u. dan kadang-kadang apa yang k0 fikir buruk untuk k0 itulah sebenarnya the best f0r u. Masalah ni aku tak berani nak bagi nasihat sangat."
"Jodoh is Allah's secret. u'll not even noe wut's Allah planned f0r u. He kn0ws tha best f0r u.. Allah takkan aniaya hamba Dia. S0, try t0 make urself calm and Insya-Allah hidayah Allah akan sampai. Masa tuh kalaupun bukan pilihan k0, accept it willingly. Ingat! kita hidup bukan untuk Dunia. Moga Redha kita dengan apa yang Allah tetapkan tuh akan buatkan kita dapat CINTA Allah kat Akhirat nanti."
"aku takut aku tak happy nanti... T0long la aku wey.."
Dr. Bell smiling. Pity t0 my fren. Allah make a test for her. Jeles! sebab Allah ingat pada dia. =D
"Fiza... Kalau k0 dah redha, insya-Allah istilah tak happy takkan ada... Sebab k0 tahu Allah yang dah pilihkan untuk k0. Takkan K0 nak salahkan Allah??? Believe me.... n0w, it is da time u leave it t0 Allah."
Guys, wut i need t0 tell here is KENAPA DUA??? =D sebab Allah want t0 give us help! We can't manage 0urself al0ne... Maybe we've family but then family is 0ur AKAR. H0w can a p0kok live if there is n0 daun and buah or bunga dier sendirikan? Lau tak ada Pokok tuh tak subur namanya... hehe..
Yess! we need help in 0ur life and along the j0urney as hamba Allah.... and if the time have come to you....
"Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh cinta, Cintakanlah aku pada sese0rang yang melabuhkan cintanya pada-Mu agar bertambah kekuatan ku untuk mencintai-Mu......."Recite this D0a.... bec0z anything t0 be decided in ur life... try t0 come back t0 Allah. insya-Allah tujuan hidup kita takkan lari. Make a benefit of 0ur pasangan agar dia dapat help us untuk sama-sama ingat kebesaran Allah... Dia akan tolong kita dan kita akan tolong dia. dat's the p0int Allah ciptakan Adam dan Hawa dulu. If Adam alone then we'll not be here guys! =D Ch00se the best and do make sure u get the guide fr0m HIM. And after that....
فاذا عزمت توکلت على اللهmaksudnya: Apabila kamu sudah bertekad, tawakkal pada Allah.
Dr. Bell pray f0r u ols moga dapat jumpa penolong u ols yang sepatutnya. May Allah bless u ols.u need that PENOLONG... ORANG KEDUA f0r acc0mpanying u ols meet Allah. Bring her/him with u along the journey s0 u'll not try t0 singgah-singgah R&R or anywhere yang ley make u ols lalai and lupa tujuan journey u ols~ Make a c0mfort with ur PENOLONG.... insya-Allah make a comfort for u in Syurga~ ameen...
Salam Ababah... -ANAA'AA
robbuna yunajihak ya dr lonceg! :)
=D yunajihak tuh ap mksud dier eh??? hehe...
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